Change log
- Bug Fix BuildAction #22 BUG: Wrong file property value set
- Newtonsoft.Json replaced by TemplateInfoSerializer due to dependency conflicts as of Visual Studio 17.11+
- Define Encoding for generated output files with .SetOutputFileEncoding(Encoding.Unicode). Scenario: Generate file with Unicode encoding
- Support for Visual Studio 2022
Breaking Changes
Visual Studio has Breaking Changes in EnvDTE-Automation. With this version T4.FileManager.VisualStudio.ttinclude works only in Visual Studio 2022. For backward compatibility you can use T4.FileManager.VisualStudio19.ttinclude
- Compatibility to T4.TemplateFileManager improved
- Added class TemplateFileManager for better backward compatibility
- Header supports the placeholder $filename$ again
- Methods to configure the t4 file manager now follow the builder pattern style
Breaking Changes
- GetNamespaceForCSharpCode() removed because CreateNewFile knows the namespace already (set by developer)
- CreateNewFile FileProperties Dictionary removed use class FileProperties instead
- Logging generation in output window and main output text file if .EnableLog() called (Feature UT016)
- Referencing in .net core projects new with $(TargetDir)
Breaking Changes compared to TemplateFileManager
- No support for TFS Source Control
- No Parameter template support with sessions
- .txt4 replaced with .info.json
- WriteLineToBuildPane replaced with FileManager.Log()
- Disable split files (FileManager.Process) not supported