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Logging and main output file

You can modify where T4.FileManager write its logs to and disable the main output file.


To turn on logging you need to create your T4.FileManager instance with this command:

var fileManager = new T4FileManager(this).EnableLog();

You now get a log with all important steps of the file generation in the output window of Visual Studio and in the file yourTemplate.txt.

You can write your own log messages with the Log() method:

<# fileManager.Log("My custom log info for {0}", itm); #>

Disable main output file

By default T4.FileManager creates a template main output file YourTemplateName.txt. If you want to disable it, you need to create your T4.FileManager instance with this command:

var fileManager = T4FileManager.Create(this).DisableTemplateMainOutputFile();